Der Druck auf die linke Bewegung im Baskenland nimmt weiter zu. Der Oberste Gerichtshof in Madrid hat nach dem Bruch der Waffenruhe der baskischen Untergrundorganisation ETA (Baskenland und Freiheit) drei linke Jugendorganisationen als „terroristisch“ verurteilt. Somit werden linke Jugendgruppen im Baskenland weiter kriminalisiert. Der letzte Jugendverband SEGI hat(te) ähnlich wie seine Vorgänger Jarrai und Haika mehrere tausend Mitglieder und ein Umfeld von zehntausenden Jugendlichen. Obwohl SEGI auf der „EU-Terrorliste“ steht, arbeiten sie im französischen Teil des Baskenlandes legal weiter und ist auch im spanischen Teil des Baskenland präsent. Mit einer Petition sucht SEGI internationale Unterstützung [].
More than 6,000 youngsters denounced the sentence that will pronounce the Spanish National Court next monday. During the fighting day, 16 people were arrested and most of the mobilizations were repressed by the Basque police force.
There were plenty of demonstrations during the day although the Spanish National Court prohibited all of them. In the morning, many highways were blocked in the 6 provinces and demonstrations were held in every village… some people occupied the townhall of Iruñea and as a result, they were detained. On saturday, 6 youngsters were arrested because of blocking the A-8 highway, they were chained up to concrete barrels.
Social movements, cultural and sport groups sustained the youth organization because of the High Court´s sentence.
Music groups such as Berri Txarrak, Fermin Muguruza or Mikel Laboa, sportsmen such as Kepa Azero or Mikel Labaka and social movements of all over Euskal Herria supported the job done by the Basque youth group. They brought back the history of these groups and denounced the attack Spain is carrying out against the freedom of organization.
They recalled that these attacks have recurred since the Basque youngsters decided to organize themselves to fight in favour of the national and social freedom of Euskal Herria. These people will keep fighting till the day this country manages the freedom to choose its future. Till this point, these attacks have not been able to stop the capacity of organization of the Basque youngsters, and so will be this time.
Youth organizations from all over the world support the denounce that was presented last Saturday. In the last 6 months Segi has visited different places in the world in order to share the reading of the current situation and to express their support to the youth organizations. With this objective, Segi´s delegates have visited Madrid, North Kurdistan, Turkey, Catalonia, South Africa, Corsica, Paris… and they have written a document with all the support received by means of the webpage . In this document, social and political organizations of all over the world express their support to the Basque youth organization.
. Basque youngsters have longer had the determination and hope to sort out the political conflict in the Basque Country. Therefore, 27 years ago left independentist youngsters formed the youth revolutionary organization called Jarrai to fight the problems that Basque youth was facing at that time and also to work for the independence and socialism in the Basque Country.
. As time has gone by, the youth organization had spread all over the Basque Country, defending Basque youngster’s rights, fighting against both Spanish and French oppression and impositions and earning support, legitimacy and making stronger its political reference.
. Repression has been and is hard on Basque youth and the Spanish and French states had and still do use any tool in their hands against the youth movement: criminalization, detentions, torture, prison, drugs… But Basque youngsters had never surrounded and have kept on organizing themselves, working and fighting and new generations have taken the baton and joined the fight for freedom
. In year 2000 Basque youngsters decided to form a unique organization for whole the Basque Country, challenging the barriers and frontiers of the states. The 1 st national youth organization called Haika was born with the support of 20.000 youngsters taking the baton of Jarrai.
. In 2001 Spanish government banned Haika and ordered to arrest and imprisoned many of its members. Once again, Basque youngsters did not surround and came up with a new national youth organization, Segi, to carry on with the work began 27 years ago.
. In 2002 Spanish government also banned Segi and ordered to imprison many of its members. But Segi has continued working and fighting, new generations have joined the fight and Segi is nowadays a political reference for Basque youngsters impossible to defeat.
. In the present time, when there is an opportunity for a democratic resolution for the political conflict in the Basque Country, the Spanish Courts are about to sentence whether Segi is an illegal or terrorist organization with the only aim of defeating its political project and the determination and commitment of Basque youngsters to make independence and socialism real.
. We send our solidarity and support to SEGI and the Basque youth as we demand to both Spanish and French states to respect Basque youngsters‘ civil and political rights and to stop any attack against SEGI and the Basque youth. All collectives have the right to organize themselves and to defend, work and fight for their political aims and we completely legitimate SEGI’s social and political work.
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